Hello, I`m
Chiranjeevi Karthik
This extension eases the process of maintaining huge production nifi instances with numerous flows.
A fully documented python package to generate summary from the given chunk of text based on TF-IDF score.
A simple project to associate or classify a tweet with various emotions. This Project and the report are built as a part of a hackathon, conducted by Spotle.ai
Building a machine learning model that predicts the Envision Racing lap times. This was build as a part of Machinehack`s "Dare in reality" challenge
A custom CNN model was built to classify what emotion a face represents of various people. This Project and the report are built as a part of a hackathon, conducted by Spotle.ai
For the tweet emotion detection project we were awarded 4th place from over 7342 participants in AITHON.
Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces from Deeplearning.ai.
Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models from Deeplearning.ai.
In every wake and fall of 'I',
In every doubt and conclusion about 'I',
In every effort and elude by 'I',
In every inhale and exhale through 'I',
In every birth and death of 'I',
'This' is experienced as 'I'.
For which there is neither 'I' nor 'This'.